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Rate Limiter


  • Token Bucket:

    • Who uses? Amazon, Stripe
    • Wisely used, simple, well understood
    • Token are put in the bucket periodically (eg: refill each 4s), once the bucket is full, no tokens are added
      • Each request consumes 1 token, if there not enough tokens, the request is dropped
    • Can handle a burst of request, as long as the tokens are enough
  • Leaking bucket

    • Shopify uses
    • FIFO queue, requests are processed at a fixed rate
      • When a request arrives, the system check if the queue is full, if it is not full, the request is added to the queue, otherwise, the request is dropped
      • Request are pulled from the queue and processed at the fixed interval
    • A burst of traffic fills up the queue with old requests, if they are not processed in time, the current requests will be rate limited
  • Fixed window counter

    • Divide the timeline into fixed-size time windows, and assign a counter for each window
    • The rate will be reset at the end of each window
    • Spike in traffic at the edge of a window cause more requests than threshold
  • Sliding window log

    • Keeps track of request timestamps
    • Check current window log size
    • Memory consumed because even if the request is rejected, its timestamp still be stored
  • Sliding window counter

    • Combine Fixed window counter and Sliding window log
    • Define an overlap percentage of previous window as the rolling window
    • Total request = current window + previous window * overlap percentage


  • Redis is preferred
  • Fast


  • Can be implemented in server-side, middlewares, or API-gateway, ...


  • Race condition

    • Lock is a solution for race condition, but is slows down the system
    • Redis Sorted Set can be used
  • Synchronization

    • Redis to centralize data


  • The rate limitting algorithm/rules are effective
    • How many requests are dropped
    • Burst traffic

Redis Sorted Set

  • Each user has a sorted set for rate limitting

  • When the request, the following batch will be executed

ts = getCurrentTimestamp()
interval = getRateLimitInterval()
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE user_id 0 (ts - interval)
ZADD user_id ts
ZRANGE user_id 0 -1
EXPIRE user_id interval
  • Blocked request are counted